I haven't had the chance to write the past couple of weeks because of computer access issues. Rich has gotten a lot of work done on the car these past two weeks. He has cut up the old canopy and made it fit to our car. All we have to do to that is get the Lexan to cover it.
This car overall will look pretty close to the one last year minus the one wheel in the back design. It will now be a regular four wheel car design.
Rich has also welded the frame all together because most of the joints were just tack welded together. He has cut a piece of aluminum for the flooring near the nose but he still needs to rivet it in, though.
Mr. Mengel has received a copy of the rules from IMSTEA, so we will be reviewing those to make sure there hasn't been any changes for this year that will affect our car design. We will also be starting on our drawings and the write up for our proposal.